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Drops - The State of Matter


Fresh Water


One and Only








The Rockslides and the Wood


L'Erba Cattiva


La Parata della Fine


Climate 05 - Reclaim Air and Water


FLAGS for the Floating University


Climate 04 - Sea Level Rise




Climate 03 - Desertification




Back to Nature




New Nature Symbolism


Parata Tiberina degli inizi



Future Landscape


Drops - The State of Matter


Fresh Water

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Future Environments at Tongji University, Shanghai, China

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  Future Environments 未来环境 Data Science, AI and Artistic Prefiguration to envision the ecological turn from the River’s perspective 以人工智能,数据科学和艺术预测来预想从河流视角出发的生态转向 Exhibition and Research presentation 研究交流会&展览 Andrea Conte (Andreco studio – Climate Art Project – Futurecologies ) Aquarium Room, D&I December 19th, Thursday 5.30pm Exhibition until December 25th 12月19日,鱼缸,17:30 展出持续时间:12月25日 During…
andreco climate art project shanghai NYU

Climate Art Project at NYU Shanghai

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Talk at NYU Shanghai at Interactive media arts and visual arts Climate Art Project Art, science, ecology and climate Justice By Andrea Conte @andreco_ In the era of climate emergencies, the ecological transition needs both technical and cultural innovation to take place. Can visual art contribute to foster radical imagination…
water talks


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  CLIMATE ART PROJECT presents WATER TALKS | conversazioni d’acqua museums narrate a global challenge curated by Claudia Pecoraro with the support of ACQUA FOUNDATION There are water-related artefacts in the collections of all museums. Water has been an essential element of human life and society since ancient times, and…


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Aula Verde – Tree Room: Art and Science for Climate Justice Aula Verde (Tree Room) is an artwork that combines Nature-Based Solution, environmental humanities and social practice for Climate Justice. This is the aim of a work described in the journal Scientific Reports of Nature. Andrea Conte, artist with a…

Andreco Studio at the Malta Biennale

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ANDRECO STUDIO will take part of the first Malta Biennale in march 2024, event supported by UNESCO. Thank you to the curatorial team of the Malta Biennale.   Curated by independent Italian curator Sofia Baldi Pighi and titled “Insulaphilia,” the biennial will take place March 11–May 31, 2024. "Insulaphilia” will…

ART AS ECOLOGICAL AGENCY, Artist talk at Tongji University, Shanghai, China

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ART AS ECOLOGICAL AGENCY Artistic practices at the time of Climate Justice. Narratives and Cases of Nature-based solutions and Art. Andrea Conte ( Andreco Studio) talk at Tongji University, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University for the Ecology and Cultures Innovation Lab. in conversation with prof. Francesca Valsecchi and…

The Art For Radical Ecologies Manifesto is out!

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A group of artists, curators, theoreticians, activists and art workers,  in the last two years meets during the climate camps and other initiatives to write: Art For Radical Ecologies Manifesto In the manifesto some reflection on the main topics around art and ecology today. ART FOR RADICAL ECOLOGIES…

How to mitigate the impact of contemporary art on ecosystems?

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How to mitigate the impact of contemporary art on ecosystems? From greater awareness to the importance of research: here's what the art world should do to align itself with change Every production sector must ask itself how to minimize the environmental impacts generated by its activities. The world of contemporary art…

Art sustainability and the climate emergency. New Article for ANTENNAE, journal of nature in visual culture

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We are very happy to contribute to Antennae, journal of nature in visual culture. Here you can download a compress version with only the Andreco's contribution in conversation with Giovanni Aloi Andrea Conte: art, sustainability and the climate emergency you can find all the magazine here in the Antennae #61…

The Stone Cult – Permanent Sculptures in Oriolo, Italy

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THE STONE CULT Il Culto delle Pietre Permanent work by Andreco at the Area della Fontana Vecchia, Oriolo Romano Curated by Cantieri d’Arte In 2023 the recovery project of the Area della Fontana Vecchia, promoted by the municipal administration with the support of the Lazio Region under the Public Notice…

Ordo Naturais Ordo Artificias – Exhibition at ZAC – Fondazione Merz – Palermo

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ORDO NATURAIS ORDO ARTIFICIAIS 8 April – 11 September 2022, Zac – Zisa Arti Contemporanee, via Paolo Gili 4, Palermo curated by Beatrice Merz and Agata Polizzi The artists: Andreco, Fabio Aranzulla & Luca Cinquemani (aterraterra), Romeo Castellucci, Michele Guido, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Icy and Sot, Alfredo Jaar,…

Sea Level Rise – Andreco’s wall painting in Venice – resaturated

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Restored is the artwork 'Sea Level Rise,' created by the artist Andreco in 2017, located in Fondamenta Santa Lucia, Venice. On the facade of the Venice railway station, overlooking the Grand Canal and Piazzale Roma, the lines and numbers representing sea levels that could be reached in the coming decades…

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