Parade Tiberina – production of the Romaeuropa Foundation, in collaboration with the National Academy of Santa Cecilia and the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma for the Rome Festival in Rome Capital. Andreco Studio
The appointments of Flumen. Climate Actions for parks and rivers in Rome between Art and Science , conceived by the artist and engineer specialized in environmental sustainability Andreco and promoted by the cultural association Climate Art Project . The project, which brings together two worlds only apparently incompatible with the aim of focusing attention on the state of rivers and parks in Rome, is the winner of the EUREKA Public Notice! ROMA2020-2021-2022 and is part of ROMARAMA 2020, the cultural program promoted by Roma Capitale, and is carried out in collaboration with an important network of artistic and scientific partners: CNR IRET – University of La Sapienza, University of Rome TRE, MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Palaexpo Special Company, Baruchello Foundation, Insieme per l’Aniene Onlus, CSA-Semi di Comunità, smART Foundation – art center, ARPA LAZIO, Agenda Tevere and Contratto di Fiume Tevere, Joint Cultural Initiatives.
Andreco explains: “It is urgent to restore value to rivers and green areas, crucial elements for the life of cities, their inhabitants and the whole planet. Rivers and green spaces favor the mitigation of temperatures and the heat island effect, the absorption of CO2 and the improvement of air quality and biodiversity, they are green and blue corridors, vectors for sustainable mobility and a point meeting and socializing for citizens.
We believe it is fundamental to raise awareness and disseminate scientific knowledge related to environmental issues, rivers and green spaces, to feed a trans-disciplinary cultural debate and to build a truly sustainable society “.
First appointment on 18 September at 10: the public is invited by Flumen and Arpa Lazio to continue sampling the Tiber waters already started in July. Together with the researchers, the participants will sample and analyze the waters of the Tiber, Arpa Lazio will take care of the acquisition of analysis and raw data to be used as a starting point for comparing the data obtained during the research phase. The organization of participatory monitoring days will allow the public to follow and learn about the different phases and techniques of water and soil sampling by taking an active part in the research work in the field.